What is the forecast for a warehouse rent in Austin?
The average quoted asking rental rate for warehouse properties was $7.67 per square foot per year at the end of the first quarter 2014 in the Austin market area. This represented a 5.6% increase in rents from the end of the fourth quarter 2013, when lease rates were at $7.26 per square foot.The average quoted rate within the Flex warehouse rent rate was $10.98 per square foot at the end of the first quarter 2014, while Warehouse rents stayed at $6.28. At the end of the fourth quarter 2013, Flex rates were $9.96 per square foot per year , and Warehouse rates came in at an average of $6.15 per square foot per year.
What about Availability- has that changed? 
Vacancy for Austin warehouses for rent: Vacancies increased a bit moving into the 2nd quarter of 2014, up 0.3 tents to a current vacancy rate of 9.1% Compared to the end of the fourth quarter of 2013 vacancies were at 7.9% . Flex projects (warehouses for rent that are office-showroom with 100% HVAC) came in at 15% for the first quarter of 2014 compared to 12.2% at the end of the fourth quarter of 2013.
Warehouse projects in the Austin area reported a vacancy rate of 7.3% compared to 6.1% at the end of the fourth quarter in 2013.